If you've been having trouble getting adequate rest at night, you are literally tired of spending all day in a brain fog of exhaustion. Besides seeing your doctor for a sleep aid, what are some things you can do make restful sleep at night a reality? Here are four things you can do to help improve the length and quality of your sleep.
1. See a physical therapist or chiropractor.
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According to the Association for Safe International Road Travel, approximately 2.35 million Americans are injured or even disabled in vehicle accidents every year. Thankfully, in many cases these injuries are nothing more than a few scrapes and bruises or a broken bone. In other cases, however, the passenger suffers a more serious injury that requires immediate assistance. Here are two of the most common and potentially dangerous injuries that are sustained in automobile accidents:
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When it comes to the different types of pain that you can experience, there is little that is more annoying and inhibiting than the phenomenon of neck pain. There are a number of factors that can contribute to neck pain. Single events, such as trauma like whiplash, can contribute to the problems in your neck, but other things can also cause it, such as your diet, your posture, emotional stress and vascular diseases.
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Many people suffer with daily headaches, which can be stressful. However, chronic and severely painful aches may not be traditional headaches, but serious issues known as migraines. Unfortunately, migraine headaches are not only painful. In most cases, they cause further health issues including periodic vision loss, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and fainting.
Treating these painful headaches can be difficult since the causes are difficult to determine. However, doctors may suggest prescription medications to reduce pain.
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When your back refuses to bend or your neck makes a simple nod of the head an agonizing experience, you might make a beeline to your chiropractor for a much-needed spinal adjustment -- but those aren't the only times you need to keep this medical professional's skills in mind. Chiropractic care can play a critical role in your overall quality of life even when you're experiencing no pain at all. Here are some of the ways ongoing chiropractic evaluation and treatment can make your healthier and happier.
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